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Spot the differences

Spot the differences

Hello! How about carefully examining the images and discovering the 5 differences between the two drawings presented in the online game? Pay attention to the red bar, as it indicates how much time you have to analyze each drawing. When you find the 5 differences, use the red arrows to select a distinct drawing. Follow the instructions closely to advance in the game and complete it successfully. Frogs, aliens, toy soldiers, little clowns, magicians, knights, in short, these will be some of the SUPER COOL characters you'll deal with and be enchanted by in this game. Go ahead and play now, have fun, child, exercise your memory and motor coordination. Click to mark a "difference" and good luck!

BestSchool Games character

Teacher's tips

“Spot the differences" games are essential for a child's psychological and motor development since they contribute to body, affective, and cognitive formation. It develops imagination, motor coordination, concentration, and cooperation, besides promoting self-esteem, so it is important to adhere to this tool to stimulate the learning process. Through games and play, children explore the environment in which they live and learn more about the objects of human culture, internalizing rules and social roles. Many schools are expanding the use of technologies to offer their students interactive means that enrich their skills and abilities. Digital games develop visual concentration and are a didactic resource that can benefit students and teachers of all disciplines. Therefore, in this game, children will playfully learn Mathematics!

Teacher's support sheet