3rd grade - Science - Educational Games

Specific Competencies:
Understand Natural Sciences as a human endeavor, and scientific knowledge as provisional, cultural, and historical.
Understand fundamental concepts and explanatory structures of Natural Sciences, as well as master the processes, practices, and procedures of scientific research, in order to feel confident in debating scientific, technological, socio-environmental, and work-related issues, continue learning, and collaborate in building a just, democratic, and inclusive society.
Analyze, understand, and explain characteristics, phenomena, and processes related to the natural, social, and technological (including digital) world, as well as the relationships that exist between them, exercising curiosity to ask questions, seek answers, and create solutions (including technological ones) based on knowledge of Natural Sciences.
Evaluate the political, socio-environmental, and cultural applications and implications of science and its technologies to propose alternatives to contemporary challenges, including those related to the world of work.
Construct arguments based on data, evidence, and reliable information and negotiate and defend ideas and viewpoints that promote socio-environmental awareness and self-respect and respect for others, welcoming and valuing the diversity of individuals and social groups, without prejudice of any kind.
Use different languages and digital information and communication technologies to communicate, access and disseminate information, produce knowledge, and solve problems related to Natural Sciences in a critical, meaningful, reflective, and ethical manner.
Know, appreciate, and take care of oneself, one's body, and well-being, understanding oneself in human diversity, asserting oneself, and respecting others, relying on knowledge of Natural Sciences and their technologies.
Act personally and collectively with respect, autonomy, responsibility, flexibility, resilience, and determination, relying on knowledge of Natural Sciences to make decisions regarding scientific, technological, socio-environmental issues, and individual and collective health, based on ethical, democratic, sustainable, and solidarity principles.