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Teacher's support sheet

Rapunzel's curse

Rapunzel's curse

Rapunzel was bewitched and imprisoned in a very tall tower!

Her dream is to find a prince who will set her free and win her heart.

Have fun with this retelling of Rapunzel.

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Teacher’s tips

Level of education: Elementary School - Early Childhood Education

Age: 04 to 08 years old

In their early years, most children begin their reading journey through phonics - understanding sounds so they can decode words. This technical skill alone is not enough for a child to be a confident reader. It needs to be combined with understanding what they are reading and the motivation to do it. This need for understanding and motivation are the main reasons why reading books is so important.

Learner outcomes

Develop text reading and interpretation; Understand the use of the alphabet in the construction of words; Expand vocabulary; Participate in different moments of reading; Develop attentive listening to understand texts; Develop and improve oral and written language; Read different types of short stories;

Teachers’ goals

Work on reading and text interpretation skills; Provide, in a playful and creative way, the progress in the reading and writing process of children; Expand the class's repertoire of letters and words; Offer the game as a didactic resource to fix the content worked in the classroom; Awaken the habit of listening and feeling pleasure in situations involving reading; Provide contact with texts of literary quality;

Suggestions of approaches for the teacher

Step 1: Choose a literature book;

Step 2: Retell the story to another group of students using role play;

Step 3. Enrich the stories by describing parts that were not detailed

Step 4: Stop before the end of the story and ask the children to finish;

Step 5: Ask the children for an illustration about the story

Step 6: Read another literature book and ask students to tell a story mixing the two books together.

More about it

Extra tips to make reading even more fun:

  1. Read books to children, developing a habit.

  2. Choose well-illustrated books.

  3. Designate a comfortable space for reading.

  4. Promote the reading of different types of stories.

  5. Ask the child to draw what he understood.

  6. Introduce puppetry over the story.

  7. Ask the children to make holiday cards.