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Popping Balloons

Lesson plan

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Popping Ballons

Popping Ballons


Do you want to learn and have lots of fun?

I have a special invitation for you! Come play the Popping Balloons game and learn about geometric shapes, letters, and numbers. There are many balloons and levels to enjoy!

BestSchool Games character
Age Time
4 to 6-year-olds 50 minutes - 65 minutes


  • To recognize shapes, letters (vowels and consonants), and numbers
  • To understand the difference between these three groups
  • To differentiate elements and name them
  • To learn the difference between vowels and consonants

Target vocabulary

  • Shapes: square, star, circle, triangle, and diamond
  • Alphabet letters: vowels (A, E, I, O, U) and consonants
  • Numbers from 1 to 10

Needed material

  • Computers or tablets with an Internet connection
  • Printed figures of shapes, letters, and numbers
  • Balloons
  • A whiteboard or a large piece of paper with markers
  • Music and lyrics for warm-up songs
  • Small prizes or stickers for participation (optional)

1. Warm-up

To start the class, gather students in a circle. Give them some time to share their moods and feelings. Encourage them to use simple words to describe how they feel.

Then, sing songs related to the topics. Here are some suggestions:

  • "The Shapes Song" (Sing along and make the shape with your bodies while singing)
  • "The Alphabet Song" (Practice singing the alphabet)
  • "Counting 1 to 10" (Count with your fingers)

Encourage active participation by having children move and sing along.

2. Presentation

  • Show students the printed figures of shapes, numbers, and letters.
  • Ask them to identify and name each one as you show them.
  • Explain the categories and how they are different from each other.

3. Practice

  • Take students to the computer lab and introduce the “Popping Balloons” game;
  • Explain the rules: in the game, they need to click on balloons of different categories, following the game’s orders. When they pop a balloon, they must say the element's name.
  • Allow students to take turns playing. Guide and help them when necessary.
  • Use the whiteboard to categorize the elements they pop into the three categories: shapes, letters, and numbers.

4. Production

  • Create a hands-on activity with real or printed balloons. Place different shapes, letters, and numbers inside the balloons.
  • Have students take turns popping the balloons and identifying the element they find inside.
  • Encourage them to differentiate between shapes, letters, and numbers as they play.

5. To sum up

To review what they have learned, ask them to separate the elements they found inside the balloons by category, placing them in different places.

Ask questions like:

  • Can you name a shape?
  • What's the difference between vowels and consonants?
  • What comes after the number 5?

Have a quick group discussion to reinforce the concepts.

Give students small prizes or stickers for participation.

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Karol Oliveira

Karol Oliveira

Modern Languages undergraduate student at Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro - UFTM

TOEFL certificate

Teaching EFL (English as a foreign language) for 5 years

Best School Games | Education Games
