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Animal Groups

Animal Groups

Mr. Frog is back!

It will test your knowledge about the animals groups. Prepare to answer questions about: invertebrates, vertebrates, mammals, birds, reptiles, fish, arachnids, insects, crustaceans and amphibians.

After getting 5 questions right, go to the pond to help the teacher feed.

BestSchool Games character

Teacher's tips

Level of education: Elementary School

Age: 07 to 11 years old

Subject: Sciences

Students, in general, are very interested in animals and that is why this game becomes engaging, helping them to make an effort and dedicate themselves in all stages, mainly to find the correct answers and reach the pond to feed Prof. Sapão. Use this game to systematize students' knowledge about the classification of vertebrate and invertebrate animals. Between one group of questions and another, a game to encourage student participation!

Teacher's support sheet